Weekly Bulletin

What's Happening At Saar Fellowship


A few people have asked how they can tithe/ worship through giving during this time of uncertainty.

We gladly accept cash offerings at the church office in Janabiya, and direct bank transfers if you have an account in Bahrain.

If you wish to do a bank transfer, please contact us.


Church Online

Head over to www.saarfellowship.com for everything you need to join us for church online!


Join us and join in!

Current series -


Check our Monday Minutes videos for the latest updates!

Find them here




With the Coronavirus situation developing and changing dynamically in Bahrain all the time, we have sadly decided NOT to offer any gatherings in person until further notice.

We are constantly reviewing the situation and will keep you all up to date.

Whilst we would love to get together and worship, we feel it is our responsibility to each other and to Bahrain as a whole to consider the health of our community and the nation and not meet in large groups. 

We encourage you to head over to www.saarfellowship.com for the week's worship and message!

Need A Ride To Church & Back From Juffair? The minibus will be waiting outside the walk in entrance of the US military base, leaving at 9.15am.

If you cannot find Jamal give him a call as he sometimes gets moved on (33098456).

Crèche (children 6 months to 3 years) Runs at the same time as the service.

Please do make use of this facility; we have people to care for your children so we can care for you!


Kids Church (children 3-13) Runs at the same time as the service.

Takes place in the classrooms opposite the main room.

See our Kids Church page for more info, click here.


Teens (14-18) Runs at the same time as the main message.

Takes place at the far end of the corridor, this is an inductive Bible study through our sermon text.

Finances We gladly accept cash offerings and bank transfers from a Bahraini accounnts. See above for details.

PhotographsPlease do not post pictures of anyone, adult or child, taken at church on the internet without their express permission. Thank you.


  • Friday Mornings 9.15-9.45am at the end of the classroom corridor at school.

  • Join the WhatsApp Prayer Team!

    • Are you able to receive messages during the day and pray as needs arise? If so, let Sally know.

    • Got an urgent need?  Let Sally know and she will ask the prayer team to pray.

  • ​After the service at the front of the room, personal prayer is available.

Growth Groups An integral part of church life where adults can be challenged, cared for and encouraged.

They meet all over the island on various days and at various times, there is one for you!

Contact us for details of when and where.

Are you interested in starting a group? Talk to Pastor James!                                                                                                 

Contact us

Pastor James Travis




Sally Visser - Administrator

