All you need to know about Kids Church!

Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for such belongs the kingdom of God.’ Mark 10:14


Welcome to Kids’ Church!


Welcome to Kids’ Church!

Kids' Church at Saar Fellowship aims to nurture the faith of the next generation. We want to partner with parents to help your children build a God-centered vision of life. We do this through worship, prayer, and the study of God’s Word. We have a wonderful team of teachers who are excited to share God’s love with children and help them to know God and love Him.

Kids’ Church starts at 10am with a fun and interactive time of worship, group prayer, and then the teachers lead the children to their age appropriate classes. The children have an opportunity to learn about God, the Bible, and the love that Jesus has for each one of them.

Parents are invited to help their children sign in at the registration desk by 10am, and then the children are required to be collected from the appropriate classroom after the service is complete.

The age groups are as follows:

  • 3+4 year olds
  • 5+6 year olds
  • 7+8 year olds
  • 9+10 year olds
  • 11+12 year olds

What parents can expect from Kids’ Church

Here at Saar Fellowship we provide the opportunity for children to be immersed in God’s Word in a safe and loving environment. Through age appropriate lessons, discussions, and activities we take time to ensure each child hears and understands God’s Word each week. Children also have the opportunity to give the offering, lead group prayer, and build relationships and fellowship with each other.

We have an enthusiastic, dedicated team of people who love the Lord and love to serve your children. We will do our best to comfort your child if he or she is struggling to settle, and we will always contact you if there are any issues.

What Kids’ Church expects from kids

Saar Fellowship Kids’ Church fosters an environment of love and respect. This is shown through kind words, actions, and the encouragement and building up of each other. Children should arrive at Kids’ Church on time and ready to learn, follow instructions, and listen and participate in all activities. As we are guests in St Christopher’s School we must be considerate of their property and ensure our children are not touching or playing with anything that doesn’t belong to us.  

Behaviour Policy

If after our best efforts a child is unable to settle or is behaving inappropriately, they will be given two verbal warnings. If these warnings have no effect, a leader will take the child out of the class to sit with the Welcomers at the back of the church hall. Following the service the leader will discuss what happened with the parent(s).

Why is Kids’ Church Important?

There is a season for everything (Ecclesiastes 4.1). Childhood is the season when we’re most open to learning, we’re the most impressionable, and we’re the most mouldable. What’s rooted in a child is almost impossible to uproot in the life of an adult (Proverbs 22.6).

Kids Church provides consistent opportunities to hear the message of God’s Word in an age-appropriate environment. As Kids Church brings the truth of the Gospel to our children where they are, they go home with questions, stories, and lessons learned. An effective Kids’ Church sparks conversation at home, and this challenges and encourages the whole family.

Kids’ Church provides the opportunity for Christian friendships to be made, and gives our children a reason to want to come to church.

How do I get involved?

Kids’ Church is run by a dedicated team of people committed to supporting our children and their families.

There are many areas where you can help and support the programme. We are always in need of teachers, assistants, worship leaders, people to run the registration desk, and prayer support.

We have a rota system for service which usually runs one month on, and two months off. This ensures that anyone serving in Kids’ Church can still be blessed and filled by the message given in the main service.

For more details please contact Robyn Travis on 32210976.


It is our privilege to join you in training your children to love and serve God.