Galatians 3.1-14 - Simple, Not Easy We continue in Galatians and this week talk about the simple solution to the problems the Galatians were facing.
Galatians 2.11-24 - Family Service This week we talk about things we can and things we can't disagree on.--more from us atwww.saarfellowship.com
Galatians 2.1-10 - Tradition and Truth This week we see the separation of tradition and truth: necessary for salvation or not?--more from us atwww.saarfellowship.com
Galatians 1.11-24 - Change IS Possible This week we see that true, lasting, and positive change is available to us.Listen in to see how!--more from us atwww.saarfellowship.com
Galatians 1.1-10 We kick off Galatians with some of Paul's big introductory points.--more from us atwww.saarfellowship.com
Introduction to Galatians We're back with a new study: Galatians, Free & Fruitful.Here's a short introduction as we jump in this Friday, 10 January.
Nehemiah 10 (Guest Speaker) Trevor Howard from Churches in Communities International teaches through Nehemiah 10 this week at Saar Fellowship.--more from us at www.saarfellowship.com
Nehemiah 9 - A Renewed Obedience Today we see the people renew their commitment to the covennant with God, but, will it last?--more from us atwww.saarfellowship.com
Nehemiah 5 - Giving // Getting We continue in Nehemiah and look at the difference between being focused on ourselves and being focused on others and, as almost every week in this book, see a strong signpost to the Saviour.--more from us atwww.saarfellowship.com
Nehemiah 4 - Pray AND Act This week we see some clear practical advice from Nehemiah 4 and if the old phrase that "God helps those who help themselves" is Biblical or not.--more from us atwww.saarfellowship.com
Nehemiah 3 - Shoulder to Shoulder David Webb takes us through Nehemiah 3 where we see the value of working together and another signpost to the Saviour.--more from us atwww.saarfellowship.com
Nehemiah 2 - Prepare Before Problems In Nehemiah 2 we get a clear lesson on preparing before the problems arrive and see a signpost to the Saviour.--more from us atwww.saarfellowship.com
Nehemiah 1 - Need, Care, Prayer We start our new study through Nehemiah 1 with some practical guidance for us and a signpost to the Saviour.--more from us atwww.saarfellowship.com
I Am The True Vine The last of our 'I Am' messages is a long one: I am the true vine.Listen in as we talk about how to grow in our walk with the Lord.--more from us atwww.saarfellowship.com
I Am The Way, The Truth, and The Life We continue our series in the 'I Am' statements of Jesus and look at John 14.6.--more from us atwww.saarfellowship.com
I Am The Light Of The World We're two weeks into our summer series 'I Am' and today we look at Jesus' statement: "I Am The Light Of The World".--more from us atwww.saarfellowship.com
3 John - Examples This week we wrap up our time in John's letters by looking at 3 John. There are examples; good ones and bad ones, and we'll see what to do with them.--more from us atwww.saarfellowship.com
Foundations Week 5 - Ecclesiology - The Church Join us for week five of our 'Foundations' class. Today, ecclesiology, the church.
Foundations - Week 4 - Pneumatology - The Holy Spirit Join us for week four of our 'Foundations' class covering the Holy Spirit: Pneumatology.
1 John 5.13-21 Join us as we finish our study through 1 John at Saar Fellowship in Bahrain by talking about being confident in our faith.--more from us atwww.saarfellowship.com
1 John 2.12-27 - Do Not Love The Things Of The World What do Minecraft and wilderness camping have to do with the Good News of Jesus?--more from us atwww.saarfellowship.com
Esther 9 - Remember To Remember This week we reach the climax of the action in the book of Esther, listen in and see how it concludes!--more from us atwww.saarfellowship.com
Esther 8 - You Can't Just Sit There Today we see a strong call to action to take what God offers.--more from us atwww.saarfellowship.com
Esther 7 More providence...and another big signpost to the finished work of Jesus!Join us at Saar Fellowship in Bahrain as we work through the book of Esther!